Test station for engines

Test station for fuel supply systems. Equipment of complex of buildings with 9 test stations for engines which have to operate idenpendently.


Design and building supervision of the whole electro-technical equipment like lighting, power supply, data network. Design and building supervision of exhaust-ait and supply air plants and of the waste gas exhaust. The testing station has to be enabled with an emergency stop switch. Design and site supervision of the central measuring and control technology for fuel supply, cooling and cold water treatment.


Building control (Siemens WinCC) with presentations of shemata and display of operations and malfunction messages including recording of trends. Cross-linking of the measuring and control technology with controls on test stations for transfer of reference inputs and actual values

Funktionstest Rollenbewegung


Beschicken des Kartons aus dem IO-Band

Ansicht des Zentralen Touchpanels zur Auftragsverwaltung


IO-Band Ausschleusen


